On the year 1997, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of Consecrated Life and decreed that it should be celebrated every February 2, the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. On the same day, lighted candles are blessed in order to signify Jesus, the Light of the Nations.

As the Universal Church commemorated the 28th World Day of Consecrated Life, the Institute of the Incarnate Word in the Philippines welcomes three new brothers with Perpetual Vows. Bro. Jomine Jojo, from India; Bro. Praveen Stanley, from Sri Lanka; and Bro. Waylon Restificar from the Philippines. Bro. Waylon Restificar is the first coadjutor brother to finish his formation in Our Lady of Sheshan Seminary.

These three brothers publicly professed their desire to live forever: chaste, for the Kingdom of Heaven, Poor manifesting that Christ is their only true wealth and obedient like Christ who was obedient until death on the Cross. They pledged all their strength to inculturate the Gospel and to be a concrete imprint that the Holy Trinity leaves on History.

The Holy Mass of the Feast of the Presentation was presided by the Provincial Superior of Our Lady of Sheshan Province – Rev. Father Miguel Soler, IVE, who in his homily put emphasis on the novelty of the consecrated life and its proper place in the life of the Universal Church. It was concelebrated by the priest- formators and the IVE Priests in the Philippines.

After the Holy Mass, a festive lunch was held with the traditional fogón performances from the religious. The activity ended with a song to Our Lady of Lujan and a blessing from Father Soler.

We commend to Mary, the Mother of the Incarnate Word , these sons of Her that they may always persevere in their vocation.

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