What is a popular mission?
It is a popular and simple form of preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the whole City of God. It is the fulfillment of Christ’s missionary commandment: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mk 16, 15-16).
The missionary extends the work of Jesus Christ who began his preaching by saying: “Repent, because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, that is, the calling to conversion. (Mt 4, 17)

The purpose of Popular Missions as expressed by different saints who practiced this method include: “Renovation of the Christianism in the faithful”[1]; “the purpose of the missions, (is) the conversion of sinners”[2]. His Holiness John Paul II teaches that “the popular Mission is efficient when… it leads towards conversion, that is, the return to the truth and friendship with God of those who have lost their faith and grace due to sin; it calls lukewarm Christians to a more perfect life; it turns souls more fervent; it persuades people to live the beatitudes, and awakes priestly and religious vocations”[3].
There are different types of Popular Missions:
Intensive mission, which is carried out during 10, 15, or more days. Generally speaking, it should be carried out as sufficient days as necessary to create in the people the necessary disposition for confession.
The Youth Mission, carried out along with the intensive missions or, preferably, in the secondary schools, universities or in any other place for the concentration of adolescents and young people.
The Children Mission, which is similar to the previous one but intended for the children