In a world that is agitated to surround itself with human security, that strives to escape suffering and only pursues pleasure, that explores the sciences for the promise that they will ensure tomorrow, that conceives life and happiness itself as the creation of its hands…
We, the members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, believe that God walks alongside man [1] .
That is to say, “God who, as an omnipotent and wise Father, is present and acts in the world, in the history of each one of his creatures, so that each creature, and specifically man, his image, can carry out his life as a path guided by truth and love towards the goal of eternal life in Him” [2] . Believing in God and believing in his Providence are inseparable acts [3] .
In this sense, we, the members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, have “a particular way of giving glory to God and that is to trust without limits in his Providence, based on his design of salvation, which is manifested in a most eminent way in the Incarnation. That is why we make an effort to learn to see everything as coming from Him who does not forget even a little bird… and has counted even our hair [4] . Because as Saint Paul teaches , all things are arranged for the good of those who love God [5] ” [6] .
And “by saying all things , we know that God does not except anything. And there are included all the events, prosperous or adverse, concerning the good of the soul, the goods of fortune, reputation, all the conditions of human life (family, study, talents, etc.), all the interior states for those that we go through (joys, joys, privations, droughts, dislikes, tedium, temptations, etc.), even the faults and the same sins. Everything, absolutely everything” [7] .
Now, “by saying they are arranged for the good , it is understood that they cooperate, contribute, happen, for our spiritual good. That is why it is our most sincere purpose to achieve this vision and not that of the carnal or mundane. And so, we try to see everything in the light of the loving designs of God’s Providence, which only the spiritual man discovers: the spiritual man judges everything [8] . And we want to believe with unwavering firmness that even the most adverse events and opposite to our natural view are ordained by God for our good, even if we do not understand his designs and ignore the term to which he wants to lead us ” [9] .
But it is also true that “on our part, we have to meet a condition for this to happen. That is why the apostle adds those who love God , that is, those whose will is united and submissive to God’s. That is why we seek above all the interests and glory of God, being ready to sacrifice everything without reserve, convinced that nothing is as advantageous as abandoning ourselves in the hands of God, in everything that He pleases to order, as he gave us to understand Jesus: if anyone serves me, the Father will honor him [10]. Only He knows everything, even our soul, feelings, character, the secret springs that must be moved to take us to heaven, the effects that this or that thing will produce in us, and he has all the means at his disposal. Therefore, if we love God, it is impossible for there to be something in the world that does not concur and contribute for our good” [11] . Living in this way, we want our life itself to be a cult of Divine Providence [12] .
Unshakably supported by Divine Providence, our task is to carry out missionary work in any part of the world, especially in “the most difficult places and in the most adverse conditions” [13] . Simply because “God is infinitely great, God is infinitely powerful, and he is everywhere. And his providence is manifested in heaven, on earth and everywhere. And there is no place on earth where the loving Providence of God does not work” [14] .
Therefore, since all our works are founded on Divine Providence, asking for alms is part of our program. This is the spirit that has been bequeathed to us and we want to continue doing so because of the important apostolic value that the witness of poverty entails. And we have to say with all sincerity that we incessantly experience that God does not let himself be outdone in generosity.
From what was said then, this providential vision of the life that we, the members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, strive to live is a non-negotiable element attached to our charism.
[1] Cf. Saint John Paul II , General Audience (06/11/1986).
[2] Saint John Paul II, General Audience (04/30/1986).
[3] Catechism of the Catholic Church , 308.
[4] Cf. Lc 12,6-7.
[5] Rom 8, 28.
[6] Cf. Directory of Spirituality , 67.
[7] Ibid .
[8] 1 Cor 2, 15.
[9] Cf. Directory of Spirituality , 67.
[10] Jn 12, 26.
[11] Cf. Directory of Spirituality , 67.
[12] Cf. Constitutions , 63.
[13] Directory of Spirituality , 86.
[14] Cf. Fr. Carlos Buela, IVE, Homily at the Seminary “Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word” (10/11/1998)