DSC07073Every academic year is a grace that needs to be truly appreciated. He who knows how to be taught in truth, also realizes what a great gift this truth is.

Classes, lessons and teachings have passed throughout this year, and once more we have been able to see God´s mercy towards us in taking out of darkness into the light of truth.

In our Institute we usually our academic year with a talk and a thanksgiving Mass. This year, the lectio finalis was given by Fr. Diego Ibarra, IVE, rector of this Major House of Formation.

In his conference Fr. Diego remarked the importance of Fr. Fabro’s philosophy as a genuine interpretation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine. Likewise, he mentioned how Fr. Fabro, while being loyal to his conscience and to the truth of things, underwent many speculative journeys, which led him to a masterly knowledge of philosophy and theology. He did not follow a specific trend or school… his way was his faithfulness to truth.

After the conference, the thanksgiving Mass took place. In it we thanked God for all the benefits he continually gave us throughout the academic year.

Now, on vacations, we rest and prepare ourselves for the next period of classes in which we hope to know more Him who called himself “The Truth”.