It was not exactly planes, trains and automobiles, but rather with cars, trucks, jeepneys, tricycles, and squeezed into transportation normally used to ferry their livestocks, they streamed towards the Seminary of Our Lady of Sheshan for the Catechism Retreat which gathers together the children receiving catechism from the Apostolates where our Seminarians work each Saturday for a day of fun and games and to review the catechism lessons which they have been taught.
The day began with kids all processing into the Seminary chapel to greet Our Lord with a short prayer and to listen to a brief talk in the Chapel before processing back into the Seminary Hall.
The children were very fortunate and blessed because the catechism camp this time received a visit from a very special visitor which brought great joy to the children. This was none other than Jollibee himself! His visit was sponsored by the generosity of the local chapter of an international women’s organization. The kind-hearted ladies were led by Bernardine Go, their president, who had invited local fast food chain Jollibee to give a party to the children, replete with games and prizes.
To top it all off, the kids were also treated to a Jollibee meal as well! There was spaghetti and chicken and burgers all around!
After the sumptuous meal, the retreat proper started with the catechism review. All the lessons which were taught them since the last catechism camp were reviewed again in a fun and exciting way in order that they truths of faith would be known and better understood so that they can be practiced.
As the Baltimore Catechism teaches, God made us to know Him and to Love Him and serve Him in this world and to be with Him in happiness forever in the next. But the first step is to know God and that is the aim of all our catechetical efforts, to bring the children into an encounter with the Living God who said ‘Let the little children come to me’.
A quiz followed the review, with attractive prizes for all the winners, in order to reinforce the lessons and to make it rewarding and memorable. There were even more games to get them up and running.
The indoor games were then followed by sessions of outdoor games. Even though the weather was sunny and hot, the children all had a good and enjoyable good time.
After the games, a rosary procession commenced with the image of Our Lady of Valencene, our Mother of Good Health of India. The wonderful and fruitful day ended with the celebration of Holy Mass in the Seminary Chapel where we were able to give thanksgiving to God and express our great gratitude to Him for His benevolence to us and for the many graces which we received that day.
The day ended the same way it began, with all the various modes of transportation assembled to bring the children back home, a little more tired maybe, but now filled with graces derived from Holy Communion and with the knowledge of God and of His love for them.
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