“On this night we celebrate the mystery of Bethlehem, the mystery of an incomparable night which is, in a sense, within time and beyond time. From the Virgin’s womb was born a Child, a manger became the cradle of immortal Life”, these were the words of St. John Paul II on the night of Christmas Eve of 2004, which still echo with us every Christmas. That is why we celebrated this mystery of the Nativity of our Savior, Jesus, the Incarnate Word, with great rejoicing.
An extraordinary Joy was given to us in this scene not only, on the first Christmas, but on every Christmas. This year 2024, with great joy, we had the Vigil Mass of the Nativity of the Lord celebrated by one of our priests, Rev. Fr. Diego Ibarra, IVE. Many people attended the Mass, waiting for the coming of our Infant Savior. It is a nice scene to see the devotion of the people and the way they participate in the celebration of the Holy Mass. It indicates that for all of us, Christmas is something very special to us, even though we do it every year. The coming of Jesus is always waited for He gives peace, joy, and certainty that God loves us and cares for us. Many people know this, even not all, but at least there is light and hope especially for the little ones, many are active members of the oratory. Also, before the end of the Holy Mass, there was a blessing of the Manger, which was made by the brothers themselves. The projection of the nativity scene or the Belen helps us to remember the true essence of Christmas, that is the birth of Jesus. It reminds us of his poverty, having a humble stable and not a royal bed, having shepherds and not a royal court to welcome Him. God became man and still, more chose to be poor, showing us that riches are nothing compared to Him who is everything. After the Mass, we had the kissing of the Baby Jesus, where the people kiss the Baby Jesus devotedly. It is a sign of their adoration for the adorable Savior, whose heart will not soften and whose mind will not marvel, contemplating this great mystery.
Our celebration doesn’t end with the Vigil Mass, though its value is infinite, but we had also our Nativity Play, in which the children from our Don Bosco Oratory acted. It is a nice event (we will include here some photos). The youths and children did their roles very well and their efforts bear much fruit. It is admirable also the efforts of the religious brothers and sisters so that this performance may be as good as possible, and all their efforts are not wasted for the overall play was great. The parents of the children were very happy to see their child depicting a role which they see as a blessing.
This event of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ always brings us joy, peace, and love. The scene that changed the course of history and has the power to change our lives for the better.
We Honor our Blessed Mother, the mother of our Savior, in all things that we have done in this great event and we entrust to her that we may bear fruit for eternal life.

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